“Let’s write a book, and show ’em how it’s done!”

Pathology report…   ALL CLEAR!!

No residual cancer in the tissue, nor the sentinel lymph nodes!!!

“Unknown Caller”… Doc called me during 7th period and thank goodness I took the call!

“Hi. Doctor! Uhhhmmm students! Your job is to journal write.. silently… for 5 minutes! GO!”

“First of all, how are you feeling? Are you healing ok?” (I think that’s what he said. I just heard.. Wahha wa waa waw wwaaa waa” like Charlie Brown.)

“No residual cancer in the tissue and lymph nodes. Literally the best results we could hope for.”

“Does this mean you got clear margins (all the cancer encapsulated within a bit healthy tissue)?

“No.. NO residual cancer.”

“So.. you got all of it during the first biopsy? OMG! That’s a testimony to YOU! You are the best!”

“That’s a lot of prayer, right? Well, you’re the best patient, too. You have such a great attitude.”

“That makes us a pair then! We should write a book, take it on the road, and show ’em how it’s done!”

That sweet guy must think I’m nuts. Happy…. and nuts! (he’s right bytheway)

  • Part 1: Diagnosis, shock, acceptance? Check.
  • Part 2a: Surgery? Check.
  • part 2b: (still working on the healing. I DID stay down and rest. I’m SO grateful I took the whole week off! I needed it! I went back to work the following Monday and was so happy to see all my students, friends, and colleagues. I pushed through and built up my endurance, but by Wednesday I was literally physically and emotionally exhausted. It was really frustrating not being able to lift my arm to put my bra on by myself, nor reach for ANYTHING which required even a slight muscle flex ((which is everything, bytheway)), (((Yes, I know have parenthesis within parenthesis, within parenthesis, but this is how I think. heeehheee hee))).
  • Part 3: Monday we have an appointment to meet with the genetic counselor.. results are in!!
  • Part 4: October 4th, we are meeting Dr. Ari, our oncologist, who will pull it all together and tell us about Part 5.. whatever that is. We’ll keep you posted.


You will be happy to know that today…12 days after surgery…

I reached up, without any pain, and put my hair in a ponytail!! All by myself!! Isn’t that great!!!???

(It sounds silly, but it’s so very true. Hopefully you are feeling more appreciative of your own ability to put your arms on your head. I’m glad I could help 🙂




9 thoughts on ““Let’s write a book, and show ’em how it’s done!”

  1. So grateful for answered prayers and so grateful your sense of humor has not been affected! You are a living testimony of your faith. Love to you and Tom !!!

  2. Danna –
    What fabulous news! I’m so happy that you received such great care and that your surgery had such a positive outcome.
    “No residual cancer” — such sweet words to hear! Izzy, Kathryn and I are sending prayers and white light your way!
    Me ke aloha pumehana! B.

  3. YAY!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️❤️Great news!!! And the ponytail is the icing on the cake!! Woooo!!!!

  4. Put your hands in the air! Yahoo! We are all cheering for you and this glorious news! This ponytail is for you!

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