Summer of ’18 Rollercoaster

It’s been an emotional rollercoaster of a summer, to say the least. Between finding a small, sore lump in my left breast, and the THRILL of holding our new grandson… the dichotomy has usurped the usual giddy of summer break.

When my mind wanders to what it could be… I consciously shake my head, visualize an eraser clearing the thoughts away.. I don’t want to put that negative energy out there. There is a silent, mostly distant, and constant wonder though.


..and then, there’s ASHER!


You know, I’m not the young mother at school as I once was.. now all of my teacher friends are moving their kids out to college, and many are bragging about their grand babies. When they share, I’m always delighted to see their pictures and hear their stories, but truly I’m just feeling their joy.

I had NO IDEA until Asher was born that truly…. the miracle of your child having a child opens up an entire new part of your heart that before was non-existent. We think about him, stare AND share his pictures, all day. Every night when we go to bed, Tom holds his iPad high above our heads and we review the new pictures and videos of the day.. and scroll through the past ones as well.

As Tom said on February 12, 2018, the day Asher was born..

“Things have changed. We now have an entirely new role in life now. We are Asher’s grandparents.”

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