A Lump. Really?

Yep.. there IS something there.

I’ve felt it. Now I can see it. Whatever “IT” is. More than likely it’s a benign cyst of some kind. My mom has had one for years. Her doctors  just keep an eye on it, and there’s been no change.

Sitting in the parking lot of the hospital, and emotions from nowhere bubble up. I KNOW my feelings are valid, and I should allow and honor them when they come; however, I feel silly.

I love and admirer so many warrior women in my life that have battled and kicked Cancer’s ass. My colleague and friend, Nicole..my BFF and paddling rockstar, Lisa,.. and my sister, Elizabeth. She hid most of it from her family, she took it all on by her amazing self, but she went through hell and back MULTIPLE times with complications, misdiagnoses, reoccurrences, and infections.

…and I’m sitting in my cute little car, during my 2-month summer break, after an hour of a painless ultrasound? What in the HELL do “I” have to be emotional about?



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